The basic question is not HOW are we going to find the money to pay, but WHY should we pay.

14 Μάι.
 We don’t owe we wont pay we wont sell off
 Plutocracy should pay for the crisis
There are certainly many economists, accountants and banksters who can explain with techincal terms how the economy functions, just as there are many doctors, biologists, chemists that can explain in scientific terms how the human organism functions. However, one is not required to know details on how the gastrointestinal or breathing system functions, nor how the financial system does in order to understand that if one doesn’t eat (s)he would die of hunger or if (s)he doesn’t breathe (s)he would die from lack of oxygen.
One of the basic attributes of the capitalist system (and even more intensively in its neo liberal form) is the continuous accumulation of wealth in the hands of a small quantity of people using goods meant for the majority of people and is therefore to the detriment of the majority. In the human organism, the only cells accumulating all the nutritious ingedients and resources to the detriment of the rest of the cells are the cancerous ones. Consequently, as absurd as any cures against cancer would be if their aim is not its elimination, even more absurd are solutions regarding the economic crisis, which do not aim to eliminate accumulation of wealth to the few against the majority!
You are talking about profits and losses, we are talking about human lives
    Anticapitalist fight is class fight
The measures which have been passed already and are being aggravated with the Memorandum, ensure that any  decrease of the profit of local and international plutocracy resutling from the economic crisis, switches and becomes debt for the society. It is clear that redundancies, decreases in salaries and pensions, social benefit cuts, privatization of public companies and a complete submisison to the demands of Troika, that leave untouched those structures that allow exploitation and accumulation of wealth, have as primary aim to hurt the working class, and give the final blow to the victories of the social movement since last century. The result of such policies is an even wealthier plutocracy and a more impoverished and poor working class. Obviously, any politician or «expert» that considers that there is no other solution, and that the impoverishment of the society is a one way street, is just not good for us.
Hands off the working rights and the victories of the working class!
Socialize the banks, Tax the capital
In Cyprus Greece and Turkey the enemy is in the banks and the ministries
The effort of the local and international capital to plunder society could not have been without an effort to manipulate and desorientate, by indulging in a logic of social cannibalism, via the manipulation of mainstream media with two main objectives:
          – The targeting of the workers from the public and banking sector, who might still be in a better position than the rest workers from the private sector. It is indisputable that private sector employees are an easier target, mainly because of the lack of collective structures and decent unions to defend their rights.
         – The targeting of vulnerable social groups such as receivers of social benefits and immigrants who are trying to fight for survival, as this fundamental human right could ever be equated with the logic of maximasing the profit
Let’s take our lives in our own hands
Resistace – Solidarity – Self-Organization
